Hive Digital Inc. | 2023 Sustainability Plan

2023 Sustainability Plan

Hive Digital is founded on the desire to do good in the world. In fact, our tag-line is “Marketing for a Better World”. Caring for the environment and recognizing our impact, either for good or bad, is key to taking steps to this end. While it is impossible for a company to avoid an environmental impact, we feel it is important to address and mitigate those impacts whenever possible.

Greenplaces Badge
205.30 metric tons

of carbon offset since 2021.

That's like taking 44.00 cars off the road, permanently.

Our Initiatives
Remote Working
Remote Working

Hive Digital went to a remote working setup in 2018 with the mindset to take more cars off the road and relieve the daily stresses of those that work for the team. Cutting the daily commute to a standard office space has reduced the amount of gas, auto repairs and most importantly the stress it causes those who work with us. Doing away with the traditional office space and instead participating in a shared co-working optional office environment has reduced the redundant needs typically required to effectively run a business. Approximately 95% of our work is done remotely. The intention of these efforts has been in part to lower greenhouse gas, reduce use of fossil fuels, lessen paper consumption, lower carbon footprint, and decrease pollution. Remote working can be beneficial to businesses and employees alike. Having a remote workforce reduces travel time and emissions from daily commuting as well as reduces the need for larger office spaces that require energy to maintain. Working from home also can reduce waste and costs associated with building office supplies such as paper, ink, and single-use utensils while also minimizing general waste generation.

Planting Trees for Partnership
Planting Trees for Partnership

Hive Digital has established a “Planting Trees for Partnership” initiative where we plant hundreds of trees in honor of any new client that comes on board. In 2021, everytime a new partner decided to entrust us with their digital marketing needs, Hive Digital planted trees to celebrate their commitment and express our appreciation for their trust in us. For the year, Hive Digital planted 2200 trees through the One Tree Planted and Eden Reforestation Projects. One Tree Planted makes it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees, restoring forests, creating habitat for biodiversity, and making a positive social impact around the world. Eden Reforestation works with local communities to restore forests on a massive scale, thereby creating jobs, protecting ecosystems and helping mitigate climate change.

Environmentally Friendly Partners
Environmentally Friendly Partners

Hive Digital is proud to have assisted in the digital marketing growth of many companies committed to the environment's sustainment. We have worked in various industries throughout the renewable energy space, including solar. We are proud to stand with those standing up for a more sustainable future for our planet.

Less Paper
Less Paper

Hive Digital has minimized our usage of paper in contracts and daily usage, and we've moved to primarily digital communication through Google Workspace, DocuSign, etc. Paper makes up about 25% of landfill waste, so being mindful about paper usage is a great step for climate action. By shifting to a completely paperless office, employees gains easy access to digital files that are simple to find, edit, and share. Company data and information remain safe and secure in digital document storage systems that employees can easily access on their laptops or mobile phones. Going paperless also eliminates costs associated with office supplies and printers.

Projects We Support
Paradigm Cookstoves Project
Hello Paradigm Cookstoves Project

Launched in 2008, The Paradigm Project is a social enterprise providing products, services and opportunities that address basic human needs in the poorest markets of Africa. In Kenya, Paradigm created EzyLife - a company that distributes locally-appropriate, energy efficient cooking technologies to address the financial and environmental problems arising from open fire cooking and traditional stoves used in poor communities. The local jobs that have been created as a result of this project provide lasting benefits including reduced consumption of natural resources and positive impacts for women and girls. Paradigm became one of the first verified projects in the world in 2019 when its social outcomes were verified by an independent agency. Verifications have counted nearly 300,000 people positively impacted by the program, 6.2 million hours and over $3 million dollars in firewood costs saved.

Run of the River Hydropower
Hello Run of the River Hydropower

This "Run of the Rivers" project allows energy harvested from flowing water to generate electricity as a renewable energy source. These hydropower plants provide power without causing airborne pollutants and help to displace power generated by harmful fossil fuels.

Refrigerant Reclamation Project
Hello Refrigerant Reclamation Project

Hudson Technologies is working to reduce the overall environmental impact refrigerants have on our world by reclaiming and reusing hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - the most commonly used refrigerant and a powerful greenhouse gas when released into the atmosphere. Hudson processes used refrigerants to remove oil and water so that they meet specifications for new refrigerant gas, and once restored, they are used in the maintenance of existing and newly manufactured products. By reclaiming, recertifying, and reusing refrigerants - 400,000 lbs to date - this project is reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste, and promoting a more sustainable means of HFC use and management.

Kootznoowoo Forestry Project
Hello Kootznoowoo Forestry Project

The Kootznoowoo Project protects 20,159 acres of forest located on the Dolomi and Dora Bay stretches of Prince of Wales Island in Alaska. 8,000 acres of this project are classified as an old-growth forest - forests with large, old (alive and dead) trees that are virtually undisturbed by human impact. These forests serve as an ecological staple to local animals and nearby communities. This project is unique because it is owned by the native Haida and Tlingit people, who have inhabited this land for over 1,000 years, and managed alongside the United States Forest Service. This joint protection responsibility ensures that indigenous territories are protected and natives voices are heard. This land is home to twelve fish bearing streams and is saturated with various types of berry bushes that are historically significant in the Dolomi and Dora Bay.

Grid Connected Solar Project
Hello Grid Connected Solar Project

Centered in the Charanka Village in the state of Gujarat, this solar grid project is the first of its kind for India. The solar plant produces 25 megawatts (MW) of electricity and is connected to the Indian electricity grid - meaning the country is diversifying its energy sources and creating a more resilient grid. Through the use of power purchase agreements, nearby residents and workplaces can choose to have their energy sourced from this sustainable energy solution.

Burnt Mountain Natural Area
Hello Burnt Mountain Natural Area

This project, which is overseen by The Nature Conservancy, is centered around the conservation and protection of Burnt Mountain Natural Area. Burnt Mountain Natural Area is a 5,408-acre forest plot that will remain “forever wild.” “Forever wild” is the highest available legal protection for land in the United States, meaning that the forest must be protected in its natural condition in perpetuity.

49.5 MW Wind Power Project
Hello 49.5 MW Wind Power Project

This project supports the creation and operation of wind turbines in multiple regions in Pakistan which ultimately supply power to the grid. The total installed capacity of the project activity is 49.5 MW equipped with 33 WTGs of 1.5 MW installed capacity each. Prior to this project, the only source of energy in the region was fossil fuel intensive. The project activity is expected to reduce emissions of GHGs by an estimated 91,085 tCO2e per year by displacing equivalent amount of the electricity from the grid.

IdleAir Emissions Reduction Project
Hello IdleAir Emissions Reduction Project

This project supports 118 Advanced Truckstop Electrification (ATE) locations across the U.S. ATE is an idling reduction solution that allows a driver to completely shut down the main propulsion engine of the diesel truck, eliminating all of the air pollution associated with diesel engine idling. This helps reduce the carbon emissions from engines that would otherwise be idling to keep the cabin comfortable during rest stops for drivers.

New River Landfill Gas Methane Destruction Project
Hello New River Landfill Gas Methane Destruction Project

The New River Solid Waste Management Facility is an active municipal solid waste sanitary landfill in Dublin, Virginia. The landfill opened in 1997 and annually accepts on average 150 tons of municipal solid waste. The project consists of an active landfill gas collection and control system (GCCS) in Area A of the facility. The GCCS consists of 16 vertical extraction wells. The Landfill Gas (LFG)was originally flared, but since 2008 an electric generation station has been installed that receives the LFG. With yearly non-methane organic compound (NMOC) emissions of 24.1 Mg, the landfill is not required by EPA regulations to reduce emissions.

Come Work With Us!

We believe that passion is the foundation of excellence. Hive Digital is a multiple award winning agency offering services to a wide variety of clients in the areas of search engine optimization, online paid advertising, website analytics and social media marketing. Our values revolve around trust, integrity, empathy and passion. We use these values to provide world class assistance to those companies looking to make a positive change in the world. We have built a strong culture of caring and if you would like to be a part of this team we invite you to join us!

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