ReluTech | 2022 Sustainability

2022 Sustainability

ReluTech provides services that help customers in divesting from on-prem data centers and migrating to the cloud, allowing them reduce their carbon footprint while promoting sustainable business operations.

Greenplaces Badge

152 metric tons

of carbon offset since 2022

That's like taking 32 cars off the road, permanently.

Our Initiatives

Carbon Neutral

Carbon Neutral

Being carbon neutral means your carbon emissions are balanced by carbon negative projects to eliminate your impact on the environment. Research shows that sustainable businesses have an advantage over others. By becoming a carbon neutral business, you can help fight climate change, increase your company value, improve employee recruiting and retention, build brand loyalty, attract more customers and improve the overall community. Investing in carbon negative projects offers a effective solution to take action against emissions from essential business operations that can't be eliminated.
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Green Team

Green Team

Taking steps to help the environment is very important to employees and has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to keep them engaged with their company. A great way to increase employee involvement this is through the creation of a Green Team. This team is responsible for helping to lower a businesses carbon footprint while also picking new energy efficient practices to adopt in the office.
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Pacajai REDD+ Rainforest Project

Based in the state of Para in northern Brazil, the Pacajai REDD+ Project aims to prevent the deforestation of native rainforests that can typically be attributed to unregulated harvesting, illegal land clearing, and other human activities. Since its start in 2008, the project has supported local community resource management, provided energy efficient cook stoves for those living on project land, helped educate on pasture and cattle management, and much more. Along with these initiatives, the land boundary is continuously monitored to help identify and prevent any further deforestation or illegal activities.

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Paradigm Cookstoves Project

Launched in 2008, The Paradigm Project is a social enterprise providing products, services and opportunities that address basic human needs in the poorest markets of Africa. In Kenya, Paradigm created EzyLife - a company that distributes locally-appropriate, energy efficient cooking technologies to address the financial and environmental problems arising from open fire cooking and traditional stoves used in poor communities. The local jobs that have been created as a result of this project provide lasting benefits including reduced consumption of natural resources and positive impacts for women and girls. Paradigm became one of the first verified projects in the world in 2019 when its social outcomes were verified by an independent agency. Verifications have counted nearly 300,000 people positively impacted by the program, 6.2 million hours and over $3 million dollars in firewood costs saved.

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Refrigerant Reclamation Project

Hudson Technologies is working to reduce the overall environmental impact refrigerants have on our world by reclaiming and reusing hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - the most commonly used refrigerant and a powerful greenhouse gas when released into the atmosphere. Hudson processes used refrigerants to remove oil and water so that they meet specifications for new refrigerant gas, and once restored, they are used in the maintenance of existing and newly manufactured products. By reclaiming, recertifying, and reusing refrigerants - 400,000 lbs to date - this project is reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste, and promoting a more sustainable means of HFC use and management.

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ReluTech's IT Divest Calculator

ReluTech's new IT Divest calculator has a carbon footprint calculation feature that estimates the total carbon output that your organization can reduce by migrating to AWS. This data is invaluable to any organization looking to recommit to sustainability efforts.

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